About The Thayer Trophy

The Corinthian Yacht Club National Women’s Invitational Team Race for The Thayer Trophy is the US’s only 3v3 women’s team racing event in keel boats with spinnakers, a format that requires exceptional boat handling and split-second decision making.

Each June, the historic Corinthian Yacht Club welcomes an outstanding field of women sailors representing yacht clubs and sailing associations from across the US and beyond for a weekend of phenomenal on-the-water competition and off-the-water camaraderie.

Sailing takes place just outside Marblehead Harbor within sight of the park surrounding Marblehead Light.

Joan & Elli Thayer
The Thayer Trophy honors Joan and Elynore “Elli” Thayer’s significant contributions to women’s sailing – Joan as a passionate one-design skipper and organizer of the National Women’s Sailing Association Conference, and Elli as the first women skipper in the 110 Class and Marblehead Racing Association officer for more than 20 years.

Thayer Trophy Winners

2023 Bristol Yacht Club
2022 Bristol Yacht Club
2021 New York Yacht Club

2023 Bristol team with Corinthian Commodore Jim Raisides